The Millionair Club Charity: Annual Report

This is Robert Abbot. He struggled with homelessness, but achieved job success through the employment program at the Millionair Club Charity.


We want to share Robert’s story with you, but first, we have something to say:

Thank You!

At the MCC, we are constantly humbled by the the generosity and compassion received from you, and supporters just like you. Together we are rebuilding lives for people who are homeless or experiencing other substantial barriers to employment. Our supportive services connect men and women with employment opportunities in the Seattle area. Everything we do is designed to encourage self-reliance and build a sense of dignity, and we believe that these two things are crucial for job-readiness.

During fiscal year 2013-2014, your support was transformed into life changing results for Seattle’s most vulnerable men and women.

Your results, by the numbers. The Millionair Club Charity Annual Report.

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